Monday, April 26, 2010

To cuddle or Not to cuddle

Don't confuse me with the rest of the girls you know. I hate cuddling. I hate spooning. I think it's pointless. It just makes people sweaty and restless.

Cuddling is not something I want to do for hours. I'm sorry if this offends you. It's not that I wont do it, but there are limits, people!! For about 10 minutes, I can cuddle. After that, I'd like for you to return to your designated side of the bed. I just know that after about 10 minutes, I get hot and sweaty, which leads to cranky and irritable, and no one wants to hug an angry Middle Eastern. Trust me. Just like making out, eventually, you need to come up for air.

Most of my friends tell me that they love to cuddle, spoon, embrace with their men. Just hearing such stories gives me the heebie-jeebies. Quality cuddling is not determined by time, but the connection shared between two people. It's about sharing a moment. Pulling someone close to you, breathing with them, and for a brief moment, allowing your souls to connect. Then you let go. Falling asleep while pretzeled with someone else is not comfortable. I like to sleep on my stomach. Unless you want me to sleep directly on top of you, get your dingy, cuddle-loving hands off of me.

Usually, men get a bad rep when it comes to being affectionate. I think there's nothing wrong with cuddling, I'm sure some men love it, and there's nothing better than feeling your man's strong arms wrapped around you. But when there's a man in your bed, he needs to be free, in case an intruder comes in to steal your organs and sell them on the black market. He needs to be free and untangled to protect you.

There's nothing more sexy than a man who isn't afraid of being the little spoon, letting me wrap my arms around him and allowing me to be the protective love shell... then letting go after my obligatory 10 minutes.

Summary: Cuddling is stupid. Don't touch me.

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