Monday, June 28, 2010
Blow me

Friday, June 25, 2010
In your face!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
All Man. Grr.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Man compliments
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Breaking up the easy way
I never really understood why breaking up was so “hard”. I’ve had 3 boyfriends, I broke up with all of them, and really, it wasn’t that hard. I let them know I didn’t want to be with them and it ended. Sure it was sad times, but it wasn’t necessarily hard.
If I had no problem breaking up with men I had substantial relationships with, it should be easy for me to tell someone I’ve been casually dating for 2 months that it’s not going to work out … or so you’d think. When I first met Dolla Bill, he was damn near perfect. He was so handsome, he had a swag to him that was indescribable. He worked with kids, loved his job, wasn’t much older than me, didn’t have any kids of his own, had never been married. Basically, Dolla Bill had potential future Baby Daddy written all over him.
The first month or so, we hit it off. Hanging out with him was fun. We always had something to talk about, we were compatible – enjoying each other’s company whether out for dinner or at home watching a movie. Dolla Bill and I were taking things slow – really getting to know each other before revealing our freak-nasty sides. I can genuinely say that I liked Dolla Bill. I just didn’t like him for very long.
It all started when I went to Hawaii on vacation. For whatever reason, he found it necessary to make ridiculous suggestions. So ridiculous, indeed, that I had to take a step back and reevaluate my precious Dolla Bill. By the end of the second month, Dolla Bill was on my bad side. I was done listening to his suggestions, I was over his charm, his smile didn’t shine as bright, his texts bothered me, his voice made my blood boil. It was time to tell him. Time to break it off. I knew it was going to be interesting, but I had no idea what I was getting myself into.
I may have a blog, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a heart. I asked Dolla Bill to come over so we could talk. We talked about his awful suggestions and how they pushed me away. You can’t possibly be taken seriously when you ask the girl you’re dating, for one month, to borrow her car. I mean, call me old fashioned, but I’d like to think that borrowing someone’s car is like a rite of passage. Not just anyone can borrow my sexy automobile. Those 22 inch rims don’t roll just for anyone. I told him how incessantly texting me didn’t make me want to respond, nor did his 5 minute long voicemails about how he can’t believe I’m not answering my phone. Did he think I was one of those typical, totally needy, and super desperate girls? Has he not read my blog? Ugh.
Dolla Bill wasn’t understanding why I didn’t want to date him. He was right in thinking that we were compatible when we first met. He just couldn’t understand that I was so turned off by his actions that I had no desire to be with him. That’s what dating is for. To date someone to the point of committing or calling it quits. Dating gives you the chance to get out. He wasn’t going to let me get out easy.
Dolla Bill excused himself to the bathroom. His phone went off while in the bathroom. When he came back, I mentioned it, and like the true idiot I am, made a joke about answering it/going through his phone. I mean, it was a joke. I was giggling when I said it. His phone was in the same place he left it, I was in the same place on the couch. He should know by now that I’m too lazy to snoop around. He mistook my joke for truth, even after I explained that it was nothing more than a bad joke. He grabbed my phone and ran back into the bathroom. Karma? Definitely.
While Dolla Bill was in the bathroom earlier, I had texted a few of my friends. I might have mentioned how much I hated Dolla Bill, how he was a wrinkly old bill that my new machine would not accept. I might have accidentally stripped him of his manliness in these texts and I wasn’t the only one making fun of him. My friends, being awesome and just as evil, texted back horrible things. That’s why I love them. Obviously, these texts were never meant to be seen by anyone else, and definitely not to be seen by Dolla Bill. So when he grabbed my phone and locked himself in my bathroom, my heart sank.
Breaking up is super hard to do. Especially when the one you’re breaking up with has just read endless text messages about how he’s a horrible human being and how you’d much rather mate with a chainsaw. He came out the bathroom, handed me my phone, and didn’t say a word. He got his stuff together and sat back down on the couch. I asked him if he went through my phone. He said yes. I asked him why. He said because I went through his. I reminded him that I had not. He didn’t say anything. I asked what he read. He said it didn’t matter. I told him it must suck to be him. He agreed.
Lesson Learned:
Breaking up doesn’t have to be hard. Just show him the texts you send to your best friend about how much you hate him. He’ll never look back!