Skivvy was one of the first guys I ever dated. I was young, naive, and had not yet learned the ins and outs of dating. I thought Skivvy was cool. He drove a Jeep, was a Senior in high school (I was a Sophomore), and one time, I saw him drink a beer. In my eyes, there was nothing more desirable than Skivvy.
I met Skivvy in a parking lot. A well lit parking lot outside of the neighborhood Safeway. When you're in high school, that's where you hang out. After a few weeks of hanging out with friends, in random parking lots, Skivvy asked me to hang out at his house.
It was raining that day - full on El Nino storm type of rain. He didn't live far from my house, so after school, I walked to his... In the torrential storm... I was soaked. By the time I got there, I looked like a wet dog. Cute, I know. But what do you do to a wet dog? You dry it and make it warm!! (Even back then I was always coming up with ways to get frisked)
Skivvy offered me a change of clothes. I changed into his sweatpants and his favorite sweatshirt while he played video games in the den. I yelled out to him that I needed a pair of socks. He told me to go into the top drawer of his dresser.
I'm not the type of person who goes through people's things. I don't look in people's medicine cabinets or bathroom cupboards. I don't pretend to drop things in their nightstand, only to dig around and snoop. Just not my style. So when he told me to go into his drawer, I was nervous.
I opened the drawer. The drawer was filled with white socks. When I grabbed a pair, I grabbed a little something extra. A navy blue thong. Not a woman's thong. A real, live, man thong. I only know the difference because a man's thong has like weird saggy pouch area for... well you know what its for.
I was soooo disgusted. I touched his underwear. But not just underwear, his sexy unmentionables. I shut the drawer in disgust. I didn't know what to do. Something came over me and before I knew it, I was elbow deep in the drawer, looking for more thongs. I found 5. Skivvy had a total of 5 man thongs. I was mortified.
At that age, I think I only had 1 thong and that was because I stole it. There was no way my mother was going to be ok with me wearing a thong. So this guy, had more thongs than I did. It was just too much to handle. After a while, Skivvy decided to check on me. I was sitting on his bed, in his sweats, my hair still dripping wet, holding one of his thongs.
I just looked at him. He looked at me. Totally awkward. After what felt like hours of staring at each other, Skivvy finally spoke. "Did you need to borrow underwear too?"

Lesson Learned:
Stay away from men who like to wear pretty panties. It never ends well with those guys.
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